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BioNet 2024
March 26th - 28th, 2024 Banff, AB
Dr. Brett Trost, PhD
Computer Science & Molecular medicine
• Scientist, molecular medicine, Sickkids
Dr. Trost's research program is dedicated to the creation and application of novel computational biology methods for detecting and interpreting genetic variation. His long-term aim is to leverage multi-omic data (e.g., transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and epigenetics) in combination with machine learning approaches to better understand disease-associated genetic variation.
Dr. Michelle Scott, PhD
Bioinformatics and RNA Biology
• Professor of medicine / health sciences, U Sherbrook
Dr. Scott's research interest are the characterization of small nucleolar RNAs in terms of abundance, biogenesis and interactors. She aims to study their role in the regulation of gene expression and to characterize these molecules in health and cancer cells with an emphasis on ovarian cancer.
Dr. Jérôme Waldispühl, PhD
Structural Bioinformatics & Citizen Science
• Professor of Computer Science, McGill
Dr. Waldispühl conducts research in computational biology, human-computer interaction, and citizen science. His research research activities split into two areas; First, he develop algorithms and machine learning framework for predicting RNA structures and small-molecule interactions. Next, he explores the potential of video games to accelerate scientific discovery, with a particular focus on metagenomics applications.
Dr. Steven Jones, PhD
Bioinformatics and Cancer Biology
• Dr. Jones’ research program is firmly entrenched in genome science to better understand the complete mutational landscape of cancers. His primary aim is to help uncover the diversity of genetic and genomic events that accrue to give rise to cancers, and which also encourage their evolution and maintain their progression. His laboratory extensively analyzes Next Generation genome and transcriptome data to achieve these goals.
Session Speakers
Dr. Robert Gruninger - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Dr. Pinaki Bose - University of Calgary, POET
Dr. Tarah Lynch - University of Calgary
Dr. Jennifer Geddes-McAllister - University of Guelph
Dr. Mohamed Helmy - University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Britt Dogemoller - University of Manitoba
Dr. Rene Zahedi - University of Manitoba
Dr. Arvind Mer - University of Ottawa
Dr. William Hsaio - Simon Fraser University
Meeting Program
The 2nd Annual BioNet Research Conference Program
The 3rd Annual BioNet Research Conference Program
The 4th Annual BioNet Research Conference Program
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